Claire Mitchell

PhD Student in Information Science at the University of Washington

Focus: Human-Computer Interaction, Accessibility, Wearable Sensing

Advised by Jacob O. Wobbrock



March 29

I was awarded the NSF graduate research fellowship, which will provide me with funding for three years.

About Me

I am a first year PhD student in Information Science at the University of Washington where I am in the ACE lab, advised by Jacob O. Wobbrock. Prior to pursuing my PhD, I was a research engineer at Delsys. I graduated with a BS in Bioengineering and minor in Applied Mathematics at the University of Washington where I also worked in the Steele Lab.

My research aims to understand how ability can be measured in human-computer interaction to better improve interfaces. I also aim to understand how wearable sensing can improve human-computer interaction, as well as what insights the signals from these sensors can tell us about the wearer's abilities.

In my free time I enjoy baking, cooking, going to cafes, reading, biking, and weightlifting.


Muscle Synergies

Check out my muscle synergy calculator!

Get in touch!

  1. clairelm[at]uw[dot]edu
  2. GitHub
  3. Twitter
  4. Linkedin